Arabia Temples

Clown Jewels

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This is " Sorry ", He is our Unit Mascot.

click on Sorry to visit Clown Jewels

Shrine Clowns work very hard to raise money for the sneaker fund.

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I belong to the "International Shrine Clown Association," which is an organization that promotes fellowship among the members of Shrine Clown Units around the country. Exchanges ideas, practices and methods of operations for the betterment of all the Units. Promotes publicity for individual Shrine Temples and for Shrinedom in general. It promotes fun and entertaiment for any occasions, in keeping with our obligations as Masons and as Shriners. It is also a main support for our philanthropy, The Sneaker Fund for Burns Reasearch.

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click on animation to go to ISCA web site


Why, do you ask, do Shrine Clowns work so hard?


We Love our Kids!!!

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click here to learn more about the Shrine


Click on the photo below to read about,

Red Skeltons great achievments in life.

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In Loving Memory of the Greatest

Shrine Clown

to ever grace the world with his antic's.

We Miss and love you RED !!!



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